Passionate About Inspiring Others
my background and inspirations
Ania Ananda Wood, MA, M-NLP, brings a valuable mix of solid professional background and natural giftedness to her work with couples.
background and teachers
She holds a graduate degree in Integral Counseling Psychology from CIIS (2010), and has supplemented her education with in-person training with many of the leading couples therapists and love coaches in the world.
She found NLP to be the perfect tool for synthesizing her dual interests in cognitive neuroscience and trauma healing, and spent 4 years post-grad studying Transformational Neurolinguistic Programming (a wonderful approach for healing trauma at the root level) and Family and Systemic Constellations with Carl Buccheit, PhD and Michelle Masters at NLP Marin.
She completed The Hendricks Institute training with Gay and Katie Hendricks in conscious love coaching and has also studied with David Mars PhD & Karen Pando-Mars MFT (AEDP for Couples, a form of therapy informed by interpersonal neurobiology), Michael Klein PhD (AEDP & EFT for couples), Dan Wile PhD (Collaborative Couples Therapy), Anaiya Sophia (Sacred Sexuality), Sonya Sophia (EFT tapping and Attachment Healing), and was mentored in her first few years of private practice by Dr Stuart Sovatsky, a world-renown educator in kundalini yoga and spiritual awakenings, and a miraculous couples therapist.
Her current relationship teachers and mentors are Joyce & Barry Vissel, teachers of spirit-centered relationship, thriving in love after 50 years of marriage and raising 3 children together.
Ania believes that the most inspiring models for relationship are couples who can maintain sweet juicy intimacy AND be happy partners in child-rearing, at the same time!
ania's style in sessions
She can be incredibly practical with her laser-focused perception into emotional states and nuances of communication, and able to powerfully see into the system of the couple and get to the root of unhealed patterning. She is also deeply intuitive, tracking the soul-to-soul healing connection that is possible for each couple and helping them connect to a greater level of resourced self and relational mastery through intuitively guiding both couple members back to their sacred source of love.
Practicing what she preaches
Ania has been married to her beloved husband, Harlan, since 2015, and they are living examples of the possibility of a relationship with high levels of intimacy and connection between two highly creative independent spirits, while also embracing zero drama and easy harmony as the baseline. They enjoy teaching couples workshops together and sharing their tools for co-creating Epic Love.

August 2018: Certified Transformational NLP Practitioner through NLP Marin
March 2015: Certified Master NLP Practitioner. Masters Level Transformational NLP training with Carl Buccheit and NLP Marin
July 2014: Certification in Conscious Life and Love Coaching with Gay and Katie Hendricks.
July 2014: NLP Practitioner Certification through NLP Marin
Nov 2011: Advanced EFT Certification - Intensive EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner and Lightworker training with Sonya Sophia.
2005-2010: MA, Integral Counseling Psychology, CIIS
2003 BA from UC Santa Cruz with Highest Honors in Psychology and minor in Neuroscience
Other Relevant Training
Summer 2017: AEDP for Couples training with David Mars, PhD and Karen Pando-Mars, MFT
2011 - 2018: 15 Ayahuasca Journeys
2011-2013: Weekly Clinical Supervision in Transpersonal Couples Counseling with Stuart Sovatsky, PhD
2010-2011: EFT and AEDP for Couples Clinical Consultation group with Michael Klein, PhD